Active Design Documents

The Organizational Design and Management (ODM) team project is the organizational optimization and design of Florida Institute of Technology processes, events and activities from the perspective of graduate students (i.e. the FIT Optimization and Redesign).

According to Dr. Guy Boy, an Active Design Document (ADD) is an integrated and shareable prototype of the artifact that is being designed. An ADD will be used by the team members to provide incremental progress evaluations during the project until a final product emerges (Boy 2005).

The ADD will provide overall traceability from the initial project design to the creation of the proposed redesign of optimized processes, events and activities at the Florida Institute of Technology. ADDs generally account for multiple contexts of use from early in the design process to project completion. In this specific case, the ADD will facilitate interaction and cooperation among team members in the requirements engineering and quality assurance as well as the experience feedback from research subjects and stakeholders.

ADDs generally use contextual links to connect interaction descriptions (IDs) to interface objects (IOs). In this team project, the anticipated interface objects will include the initial processes, events and activities as well as the range of deliverables (Gantt Chart, Design Objectives Documentation, Survey Instruments, Subjects List, Survey Results, Data Models, Improvements List, Revised Design, Report and Presentation).

The interactions in the task space will include the research procedure that encapsulates all of the tasks required to transform the initial IOs into the final report and presentation. One focus of the interactions in the evaluation space will be the discussion of the project to identify problems and issues that lead to the design objectives and development of survey and test instruments.

After identifying subjects and conducting interviews in the activity space, the data generated will be transcribed, processed and combined to derive data models to represent the status quo. The rationalization space will be used to select improvements of the processes, events and activities at the Florida Institute of Technology.

It is noteworthy that there are two major iterations of this team project: (1) initial survey instruments to be used in the preliminary research phase, and (2) final test instruments to be used to evaluate the proposed optimizations and redesign. It is across these major iterations that ADD will be most useful to ensure interactivity, rapid communication and fast feedback from the subjects to design team. Throughout the development of the final product, the ADD will enable streamlined modification and, ultimately, adequate traceability.

The outcomes of the ADD will be comprehensive and traceable documentation in the form of a written report and a graphic presentation. These final deliverables will illustrate the design decision history throughout the team project. Similar to the Gantt Chart, the final product of the ADD will clearly depict which team members were responsible for which components, which resources were used, and account for the timeline upon which the deliverables were produced.



Boy, G. (2005). Knowledge Management for Product Maturity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Capture. Banff, Canada.


Ethnographic Design

Week 3 was focused on “people-writing” or “ethno-graphy” within the context of human centered design (HCD). Ethnography is a qualitative research method that is used in social sciences to collect empirical data on peoples, cultures and societies. The purpose of ethnography in HCD is not to find out how people respond to prefabricated situations by studying narrowly defined variables, but to learn how people work and play within specific domains. For example, ethnographic design can be used to study a group of pilots and how they work in the cockpit, or a group of technicians and how they work in the aircraft maintenance facility.

Ethnographic design is premised on naturalistic observation of, and interaction with people in their environment. When designing human centered technology, the designer needs “to become” one of the participants under study. This level of involvement helps the designer to see the world through the eyes of the participants and facilitates acceptance among them. However, this intimate involvement may lead to the introduction of a “researcher bias”. To this end, ethnographic design may become relatively subjective in order to gather reliable data.

The primary purpose of fostering a relationship with the participants is to strengthen the elicitation of knowledge that can lead to a deep understanding of the motives and culture of the participants. Such elicitation exploits human nature, and leverages tendencies of humans to be honest, polite, helpful and expressive of their expertise. Therefore, effective ethnographic designers master natural conversation and interaction styles.

After laying a foundation with the basics of ethnographic design, the focus of the lecture shifted to understanding the psychology of idea generation and the dichotomous relationship between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The right hemisphere is responsible for artistic, abstract, irrational, intuitive and subjective emotions needed to create holistic viewpoints. Whereas, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical, rational, objective and scientific reasoning that is based on facts and detail-oriented arguments.

Both hemispheres work together to facilitate divergent thinking and convergent thinking. The right hemisphere is mainly accountable for divergent thinking, which involves the brainstorming process and generation of ideas. On the other hand, the left hemisphere is mainly accountable for convergent thinking, which involves analysis and synthesis through evaluation and prioritization. In problem solving both hemispheres are involved.

As simplistic as this model may sound, there are issues that arise when multiple brains work in tandem (or people work in a group, team or organization). For instance, when problem solving among a group of experts, there can be closed minded persons – bolts need to be unlocked; some persons may tend to focus on irrelevant matters thereby failing to attend that which is important – tuning needs to eliminate interference; time management becomes a challenge – please follow the meeting timeline; and, the members as well as the group needs to build credibility incrementally – reputation is not built overnight. However, with carefully devised methods such as brainwriting (brainstorming in writing), the strengths of multiple brains can become powerful forces in the creative design thinking process.

Creativity is about risk taking and managing uncertainty. There are four (4) kinds of creativity: (1) innovation, which is an umbrella term that encapsulates most of creativity, but primarily refers to truly original thinking; (2) synthesis, which involves combining information, artifacts or people from different sources into a new pattern; (3) extension, which involves extrapolating an idea beyond current constraints and limitations; and (4) duplication, which is about improving or reusing an idea often in a new area or domain.

Risk taking is imperative to overcome uncertainty, and natural for learning to occur, especially in autodidacticism. It was suggested by Dr. Boy that when facing a risk the best thing is to be prepared. Risk taking should be progressive and incremental. The critical time in performing any activity is when the activity becomes routine. It is when the operator becomes acquainted that complacency creeps in, and an important situation catches the operator “out of the loop”.

When seeking creativity, intuition is also needed i.e. that right hemisphere activity that the philosopher Hubert Dreyfus describes as “the process that enables someone to do the appropriate thing without rationalization”. Dr. Boy cemented this concept with a story about a professional skier who uses his intuition to determine when he will take on a given slope. “When I don’t feel it, I don’t do it,” he said. Intuition involves risk taking.

Another ingredient of creativity is expressivity. Dr. Boy used a biological construct to suggest that expressivity relates to variations of a phenotype (observable trait) in entities carrying a particular genotypes (what things are made from). In the context of creativity in HCD, I gathered that the act of creative expressivity occurs when ideas or viewpoints to solve a design question are articulated from different perspectives among individuals from the same domain. For example, the range of design suggestions for improving a cabin design that can be elicited from a group of business executives. Expressivity involves risk taking.

When it comes to the activation of creativity, the method of least commitment can be applied. Dr. Boy presented two heuristics, i.e. breadth-first vs depth-first, and gave explanations of both. The analogy of searching through a knowledge tree or an nth dimensional neuronal network shows how the least commitment path may be significantly dependent on the domain. These contrasting approaches require the designer to tune tradeoffs and balances (e.g. boldness vs prudence) during the creative process. The designer should go as far as necessary into the design possibilities but retain the “meaningful” root purpose of the design question. Dr. Boy reiterated that committing too early is likely to result in patching; however, committing too late may result in too much cost and resources. Commitment involves risk taking.

In my extra reading, I came across a summary of a presentation entitled Commitment and Creativity that was conducted by Seana Moran at the August 2008: American Psychological Association. I found it very inspiring as a creative person.

Commitment involves how a person invests resources in a work role over time. Creativity is a novel, appropriate variation embraced by a field of gatekeepers that transforms the domain. What role does commitment play in the careers of 36 writers with different levels of creative influence? For the least creative, commitment compensates. They invest in the craft of writing to improve their social standing within the field. For experimentalists, commitment defies. They twist traditions to yield new meanings, which gains them increased control over their self-expression. For the most creative domain transformers, commitment impassions. They trust some beloved aspect of literature, such as a character or poetic form, to convert new minds to the wonders of the domain. (Moran 2008)

To round off the final stanza on creativity, Dr. Boy defined cultural blocks as prominent inhibitors to creativity i.e. the cholesterols of creative juices. For example, among scientists and engineers, the constant search for objectivity may block subjective and divergent thinking. Additionally, not everyone likes to take risks i.e. some persons are risk averse. The designer should remain goal driven (intentional) versus become event driven (reactive) because there is a “meaningful” root purpose of the design question.

The flow of the class evolved into the multi-phased construction of the Group Elicitation Method (GEM), which is a well-trained brainchild of Dr. Boy. “GEM is a brainwriting technique that can be computer-supported and enables contradictory elicitation of viewpoints from various (field) domain experts, augmented with a classification method that enables categorization of these viewpoints into structured concepts” (Boy 2013).

The first, and maybe most important step, is articulating the initial question. This is why I have repeated the need for the designer to establish a meaningful root purpose for the question itself i.e. start with the end goal in mind. The key challenge in this first step to overcome is proper statement construction.

The second step involves the choice of the participants. Unlike experiments that are conducted for statistical significant results, the number of participants does not have to pass a power analysis test. A wide range of GEM sessions have generated reliable results with 6 to 10 domain experts who share a common language (e.g. users, managers, and designers). 7 is the magic number! Dr. Boy reminded the class that the facilitator and his/her assistant should conduct a dry run with one or two experts prior to the actual GEM session.

The “divergent thinking” and brainwriting process requires each participant to empathetically state his/her viewpoints in clear, simple language within a given time period then circuitously make one of three actions on all of the stated viewpoints (agreement; disagreement; or new viewpoint/idea). The brainwriting process is a circular, interactive and time-based process. Numbers may be assigned to participants in order to keep their viewpoints anonymous; thereby leveling the playing field and drowning social dominance in the process.

The next steps focus on “convergent thinking” and concept categorization. A framework like AUTOS pyramid can be used to bring structure to concepts. In concept categorization, the viewpoints are treated as elements and they are organized into sets, which are concepts. There are four main processes that each element may go through in order to be categorized into a set i.e. (1) create a new set; (2) belong to a set; (3) merge multiple sets; or (4) split a set. The resulting list of sets or concepts facilitates the rationalization of the design criteria.

Using the GEM as a design method, it can be viewed as collaborative writing i.e. a process where the ontology of the domain is incrementally defined through expressed concepts and their relationships. Consensus is the summative process which consolidates the expressed design criteria. Dr. Boy proposed two ways of reaching consensus. The first option involves each participant providing a subjective priority rating on each concept, and deriving a ranked consensus along with the sums, means and standard deviations (SD) of all participants. This option is computationally simple and generally preferred. The second option involves each participant using a +1, 0 or -1 (more important, equally important or less important) to denote the relative priority for pairs of concepts, which are arranged in a triangular matrix. Again the sums, mean priorities and SDs across the concepts can be generated along with a ranked consensus. However, the results from the computed matrix can be plotted on a consensus graph, which provides information on the strength of the relations between the concepts i.e. the number of connections terminating at a concept indicates a strong consensus; whereas a concept with fewer connections depicts a weak consensus. Top concepts and lower concepts can be derived from the ranked consensus. It is noted that intermediate concepts tend to generate the most discussion among the participants. Immature concepts, which may be poorly expressed, have small SDs as opposed to contradictory concepts, which exhibit large SDs.

Among his many instantiations of the GEM, Dr. Boy commented on the impressive results generated at Air France, and later at Embraer. The GEM has been proven to facilitate parallel group interaction that enables the participatory design of knowledge. The output of the GEM is a database of ideas and viewpoints. The role and responsibilities of the facilitator were emphasized. The facilitator needs to take risks, make suggestions, and motivate the participants. The facilitator is responsible for preparing the GEM, making sure the meeting facilities are in place, conducting the meeting and capturing the process. It was noted that as a decision support tool, GEM can be used for design as well as for evaluation.

With ethnographic design under my belt, I was motivated to understand how this method could be applied in the consideration of the Internet and mobile phone technology layers. At the end of Week 3, there were several key take-aways which I’ve summarized below in an abstract for my research project to answer the design question: How can the group elicitation method be augmented using a web application?

In ethnographic design with groups of domain experts, the Group Elicitation Method (GEM) is used to facilitate dynamic interaction and participation around a specific design question with the aim of generating creative innovations. This research project outlines an augmented version of the GEM, which is purposefully designed to boost effectiveness and efficiency of the traditional method while enhancing the experiences of the facilitator and participants. The augmented GEM leverages the Internet and digital media to reduce implementation costs, increase reusability of assets, enable remote participation, and archive results from multiple GEM sessions for comparison. The web application, which encapsulates the augmented GEM procedure, utilizes instructional videos to guide the process as well as gamification concepts such as avatars, progress bars, stages and points to motivate participants. Features of the augmented GEM include: (1) micro-tweeting – creating viewpoints with concise, empathetic statements; (2) collaborative brainwriting – elicitation and refinement of viewpoints from multiple perspectives; and, (3) auto-scribing – self documentation of questions and comments during concept categorization for the question-and-answer session. At the end, a subjective ratings tool and objective metrics are used to comparatively test the augmented GEM against the traditional GEM. The results of the comparative analysis are discussed to inform recommendations. (Weekes 2017)

I also read Chapter 7 of Orchestrating Human Centered Design, which is titled Modeling and Simulation (Boy 2013). Therein, I found a summary of the GEM. Additionally, I read Dr. Boy’s articles entitled “The Group Elicitation Method: An Introduction” (Boy 1996) and “The Group Elicitation Method for Participatory Design and Usability Testing” (Boy 1997). Hurricane Irma is history; now Week 4.


Boy, G.A. (1997). The group elicitation method for participatory design and usability testing. Interactions, March-April, ACM, New York, pp. 27-33.

Boy, G.A. (2013). Orchestrating Human-Centered Design. Springer, U.K. ISBN 978-1-4471-4338-3, pp. 139-168.

Moran, S. (2008). Commitment and Creativity. American Psychological Association.

Intro to Organizational Design and Management – Part 2

By the end of Week 1, I had within the palm of my hands the first textbook “Orchestrating Human-Centered Design”, which was written by Dr. Boy. I had been able skim through the entire book, and started reading Chapters 1 and 2. To my fascination, the book is relatively easy to read and understand. The chapters are complemented by a plethora of tempting references, some of which I hope to traverse during a future iteration of reading the book. But for the time being, I was compelled to stay on course.

The second ODM class of Week 2 began with a focus on the crucial issue of integration. It was highlighted that integration usually takes place at the end, where subsystems are unified to ensure that the overall system operates; however, Dr. Boy emphasized that integration needs to be anticipated through a holistic design approach.

From the beginning of the enterprise integration, the right information must be identified. Deep domain knowledge is essential at this early stage and a “what-if analysis” is needed to obtain the emergent properties from the interactions among individual components. This scenario-based design approach requires a thorough understanding of the system’s complexity in order to create reliable human-in-the-loop simulations (HITLSs), which can be used to elicit and capture emergent properties ahead of use time e.g. the evaluator may be able to determine the “invisible work” done by key entities that is necessary for specific organizational “use cases” to work effectively. Successful organizations put the right information in the right place e.g. Google, SpaceX…

While discussing the need to update the information in real-time to reflect the actual state of the enterprise operation, Dr. Boy introduced the Orchestra model as a dynamic, responsive, well-connected, transversal and synchronized alternative to the traditional, linear, top-down, pyramidal, army-type model of organization. In the Orchestra model, composers (human-centered designers) utilize music theory (a common language) to develop scores (coordinated requirements), which the conductors (competent managers, scientists or engineers) to coordinate musicians (specialized workers with autonomy or automata) who play (work) collaboratively to deliver a symphony (organizational output) that the audience (end users) can consume and appreciate to their satisfaction. This musical metaphor provides a usable framework for human-systems integration (HSI). It was noted that there are basically two organizations to account for in the system design i.e. (1) the makers of the technology, and (2) the receivers of the technology. Additionally, the culture, capabilities and environments of both organizations create crucial parts of the operational context.

In order to successfully bring products to maturity, business processes must be coordinated, high level requirements obtained, incremental testing employed, and human systems integrated with the key principles of safety, efficiency and comfort.

Standardized benchmarks have be used throughout industry to compare how effective organizations were at quality assurance and continuous improvement towards mature systems e.g. ISO 9000 series and the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). However, Dr. Boy questioned whether or not a product will be mature, usable and useful if the production processes are mature for all levels according to CMMI. His answer to this question was emphatically no, and he suggested that the keys to understanding why not can be found in his new book, “Tangible Interactive Systems”.

Dr. Boy pointed out that there were at least three (3) other levels, beyond the five (5) maturity levels set out in the CMMI. These extra levels are: (1) maturity of technology itself; (2) maturity of practise including various kinds of use of the technology; and (3) maturity of the organization or society to accept the technology. These extra levels of product maturity go beyond CMMI’s techno-centric levels in order to account for user experience and organizational adoption. Dr. Boy reinforced the human centered perspective of product maturity by stating a juxtaposed relationship between product maturity and user capability i.e. the less mature the product, the more expertise was needed to use it; and, conversely, the more mature the product, the less desire, if any at all, to know about the product in order to use it.

Steve Jobs understood planned maturity of practice, and maturity of the organization and society as strategies to guarantee product adoption. Apple started development of the iPod, which was very easy to use, robust and targeting a commonplace activity such as listening to music; then Apple introduced the iPhone, which was about the same size but provided more useful functions including playing music; then Apple increased the size of the iPhone and added more processing power to create the iPad. Hence, Steve Jobs used maturity to create a coherent family of products.

As I hinted in my previous report, Dr. Boy’s lectures are artistically blended with succinct visual models and memorable stories, and his narrative of his lost iPhone illustrated a covert emergent property of a mobile phone, which may not have been apparent at design time. In this unplanned use case, Dr. Boy lost his mobile phone, and during the event he realized that the mobile phone can be a life-critical system, because of the amount of personal information stored on the device. Therefore, he said, “Always check for emergent properties for safety critical systems.”

Two other principles of product maturity include efficiency, which should be measured, and comfort, which is related to usability, aesthetics, the emotional effect of the product, and its use within the organization and environment.

The next model presented for the architect approach was the V Model. In this model, the user needs and high level requirements inform the design rationale and strategy from very early. However, care must be taken when soliciting user needs and requirements because users’ articulation of their needs may be misleading. Prototyping and HITLSs are used to iteratively test the design(s). Actually, in the “multiple V model” (MVM), Dr. Boy proposed that the sequence of small-Vs provides constant feedback loops resulting in an agile approach that supports the observation of activity, formative evaluation, modular development and progressive integration. Generally speaking, if the requirements are well done, everything else follows smoothly.

In order to describe the use of HITLSs in complex systems, Dr. Boy used the national airspace system and the exponentially increasing air traffic as an example. Some airports e.g. Atlanta are oversaturated with arriving and departing aircraft. This phenomenon has been spreading to other airports and therefore needs to be studied. One problematic question that has emerged in this complex system is, “how will air traffic controllers (ATC) organize the volume of traffic in the sky?” The ATC organization has been adapting from the inverted pyramid, and becoming more like an orchestra. After alluding to an analogy of observing the birds at the beach, Dr. Boy postulated that the birds may have sensors for detecting obstacles and “to feel the direction of the flock”. Similarly, he suggested that aircraft may be equipped with sensors for traffic awareness and collision avoidance. Dr. Boy also referenced the coordinated flight of a flock of drones being researched at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Boy proposed three practical solutions to manage the unending increase in aircraft to manage: (1) to build more airports but this is expensive and not preferred; (2) to build bigger aircraft e.g. A380 but this requires organizational and infrastructural changes; and, (3) managing aircraft as a flock of birds as is being done with NextGen satellite-based technology and Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR).

To extrapolate his initial question of drones for human transportation, Dr. Boy identified stability and gravity as compounded challenges of aviation. He stated that passive stability is basically accomplished through quadcopters, whereas active stability remains as the work function of the pilot. In my research of the EHang 184, this octo-copter has redundancy in its design and organization, and can be flown by the onboard pilot, a remote pilot through an aircraft-network interface or by automation.

A graph of the Safety Maturity Curves illustrated that since the early 1970’s there was a significant decline in the number of hull losses with conventional aircraft. Dr. Boy attributed this decline to the gain in the feedback and knowledge from prior accidents and research. Further, the graph depicted a second curve which represented hull losses with automated aircraft. As was expected, this graph generally showed a fraction of the hull losses with the automated aircraft. However, Dr. Boy identified the problem was the nature of the accidents. After a generalisation of the metrics (inverse of safety, efficiency and comfort) on the y axis, Dr. Boy highlighted that the maturity period can be determined through modeling and simulation (M&S). Knowing this maturity period is important because delivering the product to market too early will lead to an unsafe product; whereas, delivering the product too late may allow the competition to overtake.

Dr. Boy recounted on his early work with the A380 and its family of Airbus aircraft. He jokingly remarked about the interactivity of the A380’s modern cockpit through a discussion he had with a colleague. During the exchange, they noticed the shift from physical interaction in older mechanical aircraft to a style of mediated human computer interaction (HCI) that led to the pilot’s virtualized interaction with the information in the user interfaces; thereby, leading to emergence of tangibility issues related to interaction.

As the modification of technology led to more manipulative technology amidst modification of the organization and the people therein, competence remains an important factor for being able to understand the systems and their emergent properties. Even though automation is being involved to minimize errors, the systems must be designed for people to be active players in the solution; therefore, technology should allow humans to play a “sufficient” role. Dr. Boy linked this to a critical level of motivation that is needed before the human lapses into the very dangerous state of complacency.

Expanding on the topic of motivation at work, a positive correlation was noted between autonomy and performance (i.e. autonomy increased performance). Also through cultivating mastery and doing a good job, the worker feels better. However, the fundamental motive is why! It is this reason or purpose which engenders satisfaction.

As the world evolved, there have been changes in technology and media (e.g. writing) and these changes have profound impacts on society and the organization of people. The concept of authority in the organization pivots on dimensions of control and accountability. A problem arises when there are loops in the chain of control e.g. democratic voting and the election of members of parliament (MPs) by the people where the MPs would, in turn, govern the people. Who is accountable and who is in control is this circular paradigm? Likewise, in aviation, technology such as the flight management system (FMS) modifies the accountability of the pilot. The FMS therefore has an emergent property on the pilots i.e. the pilot now has to manage the FMS rather than fly the route. Also, the role of the ATC who controlled the aircraft in the airspace is now managing a complicated flock of aircraft with multiple trajectories.

The most enjoyable concept came around the end of the class i.e. Cognitive Functional Analysis (CFA). Dr. Boy described three (3) types of interaction in multi-agent systems n.b. agents could be humans or automation:

  • Supervision e.g. interaction with MS DOS where the supervisor could be artificial or even a book.
  • Mediation e.g. a “virtual desktop” or database can act as a diplomat desktop between human and computer.
  • Cooperation by common/mutual understanding e.g. professor in the classroom using Google predictive search to learning about a topic.

What reconnected all of the dots throughout Week 2 was that “emergent properties are likely to arise as changes are made between these types of interactions”. I totally agree!

With examples ranging from cars to elevators to aircraft cockpits to phones to knives, at the end of Week 2, there were several key take-aways which I’ve summarized below:

  • The main obstacle to innovation is our persistent cognitive patterns or habits
  • The Orchestra model is becoming more common due to technological influence
  • Composers may not know how to play all instruments but they integrate them
  • Product maturity is about maturity of TOP (technology, organization & practice)
  • Human centered designers design for people (not users). We are people!
  • People are highly nonlinear and unpredictably generate emergent properties
  • Emergent properties appear from the activities among the interactions of entities
  • Safety and security are important factors to test for emergent properties
  • HCD has a legal component especially with accident causation and technology

With these new concepts appended to my ODM conceptual model, I happily prepared for Week 3 by checking up on my two (2) outstanding books:

  • Tangible Interactive Systems
  • The Handbook of Human Machine Interaction

I was also eager to search for and watch the 2001 movie called “The Space Odyssey”, which was encouraged by Dr. Boy.

Intro to Organizational Design and Management – Part 1

My first week in the course called “Organization Design and Management (ODM) in Human Centered Design (HCD)” with Professor Guy Boy was beyond thrilling. This was my very first time interacting with Dr. Boy and it was off to a great start. After being inspired by his voice over the telephone, and his unparalleled digital footprint in HCD, I was able to grasp the professor, a real Human Systems Integration Architect.

The ODM course began with the organization being established as a fundamental pillar of HCD – “no HCD will be really possible without an appropriate organization.” This pillar was reinforced by the basic, conceptual TOP Model, which is a triangle for “Technology, Organization and People” that circumscribes HCD. Further, a quote from H. W. Hendrick on macro-ergonomics connected the vertices into one purposeful sentence i.e. macro-ergonomics is “the optimization of organizational and work systems through consideration of relevant personnel, technological and environmental variables and their interactions.”

Dr. Boy highlighted the fact that modern technology has created significant influences on the way how people interact within organizations. One such noticeable change has been the replacement of top-down, hierarchical communication with transversal communication. An example of this is evident in an email from Elon Musk to his employees at Tesla entitled “Communication Within Tesla”. In this email, Elon Musk, highlights that “Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else [without managerial permission] according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company.” The point here was not random chit-chat, but rather ensuring that Tesla executes ultra-fast, and with intelligence and agility.

Another noticeable change has been the movement of people from rural areas towards the cities and the replacement of “village communication” with social media. However, along with this evolution of people within their organizations and operational environments, several layers of artifacts have been added, which need to be understood. For example, in the case with the intra-organizational communication, new layers of Internet, smart phones, mobile apps and instant messaging have lead to large volumes of data and multimedia that may be scattered incoherently and insecurely across multiple devices which represents the very antithesis of organization or intelligence. Or does this phenomenon invite a design opportunity for automation that aggregates and makes useful sense of the untethered digital organizational memory?

This growing digital organizational memory would be beneficial since organizations will have active databases into which user requirements and new design recommendations can be creatively combined in order to generate simulate-able user interface (UI) prototypes. Simply because these prototypes incorporate such knowledge, it would follow that these prototypes would facilitate the early testing, require less user training and corrective ergonomics i.e. economical HCD.

My hypothetical Big Data application for generative HCD will certainly eliminate gaps in organizational memory that accrue over time when specialists retire, and cut across space to mitigate cultural differences; however, it may be susceptible to groupthink, which is “a mode of thinking that people [or automata] engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action … a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgment that results from in-group pressures” (Janis, 1972, p. 9). To manage groupthink from design-time, alternatives can be generated through abductive reasoning, which thrives on intuition, pragmatism, experience and competence. The narrowed range of design alternatives can then be tested by users in human-in-the-loop simulations (HITLS) of organizational activities while under evaluation with usability inspection methods. It is also noteworthy that my hypothetical Big Data application can have an input parameter for the level of Standardization vs. the level of Innovation that is required in the generated designs.

Another concept that came to the fore was the tangibility of the UI prototypes, which is a necessary element of human interaction, especially in light of techno-virtualization. According to Dr. Boy, tangibility is about physical and figurative cognitive situation awareness. I assert that, in both cases, tangibility appears to be related to the salience, frequency and intensity of physical feedback and the cognitive linkages to a user-based conceptual model. I have taken a note that even though tangibility sounds abstract it is measurable. Both subjective and objective metrics can be operationalized to determine levels of tangibility.

What I quickly realized is that among the string of stories that Dr. Boy vividly recalls from his vast experience, there are some elegantly crafted conceptual models, which have been mapped onto shapes – some hybrid of Cartesian Geometry and Platonic Solids. Therefore, in between a captivating story of his seminal work on the A380 and the organizational complexity at Airbus, and an equally fascinating story about his fond childhood memories with the shepherds in the Southern France and their educated common sense, Dr. Boy weaved his HCD framework, step-by-step, from a triangle into the upper half of a 3D octahedron (or square-based pyramid) in order to depict what he called “The AUTOS Pyramid”. Each of the five (5) vertices represented a tangible object: Artifact, User, Task, Organization and Situation. The eight (8) edges along with the two (2) diagonals of the square base represented the relations between criteria and methods of the specific objects in the corresponding vertices.

What was amazing about the AUTOS Pyramid as a foundational HCD framework was not only the simplicity and applicability of the conceptual model, but rather the ordering of the layers of relationships upon which the 2D model evolves into a 3D model that encapsulates the essential entities and functions within HCD.

The next outstanding moment was when Dr. Boy posed the question, “What would the next generation of aircraft look like?” I responded that “these aircraft will be personal and without the cylindrical fuselage”, because as was mentioned from the outset, technology has caused several shifts in organization. One of those shifts has been more personalization of devices, which are connected via a suite of network protocols. Dr. Boy hinted that “stability would be the design challenge”. I modified my response to a “personal quadcopter”. I admired this type of creative-thinking question! Dr. Boy’s questions led me to discover the compact, closed-cockpit, semi-autonomous E-Hang 184, and the Kitty Hawk Flyer, a lightweight, open-seated flying car. Both flight vehicles feature eight (8) electric engines, which are arranged in two different configurations.

At the end of Week 1, there were several key take-aways which I’ve summarized below:

  • In HCD it is imperative to go purpose to means opposed to means to purpose
  • It is better to integrate people; the UI will emerge naturally
  • Testing as early as possible is the essence of HCD
  • The crucial issue of HCD is INTEGRATION
  • “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” (Alan Kay)
  • Don’t only think abductively; do abductively; be abductively!

With these concepts embedded within my ODM conceptual model, I happily prepared for Week 2 by ordering the following three books:

  • Orchestrating Human Centered Design
  • Tangible Interactive Systems
  • The Handbook of Human Machine Interaction

I also downloaded the book “Management of Uncertainty” and browsed Dr. Boy’s impressive website at As was expected, I was totally floored by the capability of the Giant who stood before me in Week 1. Thank God, the ODM class of Week 2 was only approximately 10,000 minutes away.